To find the larger number between three numbers in pseudocode, you can use the following steps: Declare three variables A, B, and C and initialize them with the three numbers. If A is greater than B and C, output A as the larger...
Tag - Pseudocode if else
Pseudocode is a compact and informal high-level description of a program using the conventions of a programming language, but intended more for humans.
Pseudocode is not an actual programming language. So it cannot be compiled into an executable program. It uses short terms or simple English language syntaxes to write code for programs before it is actually converted into a specific programming language.
And there is no pseudocode standard syntax and so at times it becomes slightly confusing when writing Pseudocode and so let us understand pseudo code with an example.
Pseudocode to Find the Larger Number Between two numbers
To find the larger number between two numbers in pseudocode, you can use the following steps: Declare two variables A and B and initialize them with the two numbers. If A is greater than B, output A as the larger number. If B is...
Pseodocode to Find the Largest of Two Numbers
This is a pseudocode to find greatest among 2 numbers. Here the user enters two numbers and the greatest among the two numbers is found by comparing the two numbers and the result is displayed. Write "Please enter a first number"...
Pseudocode to Find the biggest of three (3) Numbers (Pseudocode If Else Example)
Pseudocode to Find the biggest of three (3) Numbers. InputN1, N2, N3 if (N1>N2) then if (N1>N3) then MAX =N1 else MAX =N3 endif else if (N2>N3) then MAX =N2 else MAX=N3 endif endif Print “The largest number is”, MAX...
Pseudocode Examples
What is Pseudocode Pseudocode is a method of describing computer algorithms using a combination of natural language and programming language constructs. It is not a formal programming language, but rather a way of expressing...