Find the biggest of three (3) Numbers (Pseudocode If Else Example) INI BEGIN NUMBER num1,num2,num3 INPUT num1 INPUT num2 INPUT num3 IF num1>num2 AND num1>num3 THEN OUTPUT num1+ "is higher" ELSE IF num2 > num3 THEN OUTPUT...
Tag - Peudocode Examples
Pseudocode to Issue for driver licence
Issue for driver licence (Pseudocode If Else Example) BEGIN NUMBER age INPUT "Enter your age for driving licence" OUTPUT age IF age>=16 THEN OUTPUT "You can take driving licence" ELSE OUTPUT "You can't take driving licence"...
Pseudocode to Check a Number is Positive or Negative
Check a Number is Positive or Negative (Pseudocode If Else Example) INI BEGIN NUMBER num OUTPUT "Enter a Number" OKU num IF num>0 THEN OUTPUT "Entered number is positive" ELSE IF num <0 THEN OUTPUT "Entered number is...
Pseudocode to Solve Quadratic Equation
Solve Quadratic Equation (Pseudocode If Else Example) INI BEGIN NUMBER a, b, c, d, x1, x2 INPUT a,b,c d = b^2-4ac IF (d >= 0) THEN x1 = (-b+√d)/2a or x1 = (-b+d^(1/2)/2a x2 = (-b-√d)/2a or x2 = (-b-d^(1/2)/2a OUTPUT "ROOT...
Pseudocode to Calculate sales taxes
Calculate sales taxes (Simple Pseudocode Example) INI BEGIN NUMBER price, tax, taxRate, total OUTPUT "Enter Product Price" INPUT price OUTPUT "Enter tax rate amoung 1 and 100" OKU taxRate tax= price* taxRate/100 total= price +...
Pseudocode to Find Perimeter Of Circle using Radius
Find Perimeter Of Circle using Radius (Simple Pseudocode Example) INI BEGIN NUMBER r, perimeter INPUT r area=2*3.14*r OUTPUT perimeter END 12345678 BEGINNUMBER r, perimeter INPUT r area=2*3.14*rOUTPUT perimeterEND ...
Pseudocode to Find Area Of Circle using Radius
Find Area Of Circle using Radius (Simple Pseudocode Example) INI BEGIN NUMBER r, area INPUT r area=3.14*r*r OUTPUT area END 12345678 BEGINNUMBER r, area INPUT r area=3.14*r*r OUTPUT area END Flowchart of Pseudocode
Pseudocode to Find Area and Perimeter of a Square
Find Area and Perimeter of a Square (Simple Pseudocode Example) INI BEGIN NUMBER len, area,perimeter INPUT len area = len*len perimeter = len*4 OUTPUT area OUTPUT perimeter END 12345678910 BEGINNUMBER len...
Pseudocode to Calculate Area and Perimeter of Rectangle
Calculate Area and Perimeter of Rectangle (Simple Pseudocode Example) INI BEGIN NUMBER b1,b2,area,perimeter INPUT b1 UNPUT b2 area=b1*b2 perimeter=2*(b1+b2) OUTPUT alan OUTPUT perimeter END 1234567891011 BEGINNUMBER...