Generating Random Numbers for Each Row in SQL Server – Programming, Pseudocode Example, C# Programming Example

Generating Random Numbers for Each Row in SQL Server

In SQL Server, generating random numbers for each row is a common requirement, often encountered in scenarios such as data sampling, shuffling results, or creating randomized identifiers. SQL Server provides functions and techniques that allow you to achieve this easily. In this article, we’ll explore various methods to generate random numbers for each row in SQL Server.

Using the NEWID() Function:

One simple and effective way to generate random numbers for each row is by using the NEWID() function along with CHECKSUM(). Here’s an example query:


  1. NEWID(): This function generates a unique identifier (GUID) for each row.
  2. CHECKSUM(): It calculates a checksum value for the given expression.
  3. ABS(): Converts the checksum value to an absolute value to ensure it is non-negative.

Using RAND() Function:

The RAND() function in SQL Server can be used to generate a random float value between 0 and 1. To get integers within a specific range, you can manipulate this function:


  1. RAND(): Generates a random float value between 0 and 1.
  2. Multiplying by 9000 and adding 1000: Scales the range to 1000 to 9999.
  3. CAST(... AS INT): Converts the result to an integer.


Generating random numbers for each row in SQL Server is achievable through various techniques. Whether you prefer the simplicity of NEWID() and CHECKSUM() or the flexibility of RAND(), incorporating randomness into your SQL Server queries can add versatility to your data manipulation tasks. Choose the method that best suits your specific requirements and enhance the dynamic aspects of your SQL Server database operations.

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