Python 3

Find Sum Of Elements In A List in Python

In this article, we will learn How to find sum of elements in a list in Python.

In this article, we will show you how to find the sum of numbers of the list in Python language;.

This programs take input from the user for the list of numbers and calculates sum using the list of number inputs taken.

Find total using sum function

find the total of integer numbers using the sum() function

Program 1

In this programs, we can see step by step approach to completion of the program.

  • Create an empty list in Python
  • Takes the input from the user for the number of elements in the list
  • Use a for loop to takes the elements of the list one by one
  • Calculating the sum using the sum function
  • Which Displays sum and average on the screen

Python Code:


find the total of decimal numbers using the sum() function

Example 2:


Find total using forloop- without using the sum function

Program 3

In this program, we are using for loop to iterate each and every element in this list.

In this programs, we can see step by step procedure for completion of the program.

  • Create an empty list in Python
  • Declare and initialize sum variable as zero
  • Takes the input from the user for the number of elements in the list.
  • Use a for loop to takes the elements of the list one by one
  • Calculating the sum using iterates for loop
  • Which Displays sum and average on the screen

Python Code:


Find total using while loop- without using the sum function

  • Create an empty list in Python
  • Declare and initialize sum variable as zero
  • Takes the input from the user for the number of elements in the list.
  • Use a for loop to takes the elements of the list one by one
  • Calculating the sum using iterates while loop
  • Which Displays sum and average on the screen

Python Code:


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