
How to Kill a Thread in C#

This program creates a Thread object and uses it to run a method in a separate thread. The method is defined in a class called ThreadingClass, which has a DoStuff method and a Stop method. The DoStuff method prints a message to the console and then waits for one second before printing the message again. The Stop method sets a flag that causes the DoStuff method to exit its loop and end.

The Main method creates an instance of the ThreadingClass class and then creates a Thread object that will run the DoStuff method. It starts the thread using the Start method, and then waits for the user to press a key before calling the Stop method to stop the thread. Finally, it calls the Join method to wait for the thread to finish before ending the program.

While the program is running, the DoStuff method will run in a separate thread and print its message repeatedly until the Stop method is called. When the user presses a key, the Stop method will be called, causing the DoStuff method to exit its loop and end. The Join method will then wait for the thread to finish before the program ends.

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