
How to use this pointer in C++

In C++, the this pointer is a pointer that holds the memory address of the current object. It is a hidden argument to all non-static member functions and is available within the body of those functions.

The this pointer can be used to refer to the object itself, and can be used to access the members of the object. For example, you might use this->member to access a member variable or this->method() to call a member function on the current object.

Here is an example of how you might use the this pointer in a member function:

The this pointer can be useful when you have a local variable with the same name as a member variable, because it allows you to disambiguate between the two variables. It can also be useful for passing the current object as an argument to a function, because you can pass this as a pointer to the object.

Here is an example of how you might use the this pointer in a member function:

This code will output the following:

In the SetValue function, the this pointer is used to access the value_ member variable and assign it the value of the value parameter. In the GetValue function, the this pointer is used to access the value_ member variable and return its value.

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