The pseudocode is an informal way to create computer algorithms. It is difficult to have everything in mind when you have to produce a complex program, and this is where the pseudocode becomes useful because it allows you to describe the code step by step to facilitate its creation in a computer language. It is a combination of human language and computer language that is made primarily to convey easy-to-read instructions. In this article, you will learn the basics so you can start writing a pseudocode that you can use to produce a program.
Understand the pseudocode
Understand what the pseudocode is. This is a way of describing a program in outline to give the steps to follow to transcribe ideas into lines of computer code (programming language). Many programmers use it to describe the function of an algorithm before tackling the technical work of creating the code. The pseudocode is an informal language that helps identify problems that occur when coding a program and explaining to others the ideas behind a program.
Understand how the pseudocode can be useful. It is used to show how a computer algorithm can and should work. Programmers often use it as an intermediate step before programming, between the planning stage and the code writing stage. A good pseudocode can be transformed into comments in the final code to guide the programmer in his debugging or editing work. Below are some of the possible uses of the pseudocode.
It can be used to describe how an algorithm should work. It illustrates where a building, a technique or a mechanism could or should appear in a program. Experienced coders often use pseudocode to explain to less experienced programmers the steps they must take to complete a task.
It can also be used to explain a computer process to people who have no technical knowledge. The data provided to a program must have a very strict format, while the usefulness of each line of code can be explained in various ways (in language adapted to the audience) to humans.
It can be used to create code as part of teamwork. High-level code creators often use pseudocode to help solve problems. If you are working on software with other programmers, the pseudocode can help you clearly explain your approach to your employees.
Always keep in mind that the pseudocode is a subjective, ie non-standard, language. There is no particular syntax that you should use even though professional programmers tend to produce a standardized code that is easier for others to read. If you need to create a program, use the pseudocode to set up your ideas and to guide you through the project. If you work with others who may be experienced programmers, inexperienced programmers, or people without technical knowledge, you need to use a few standard structures to understand your approach.
If you are attending a university course or a programming internship, or if you are hired by a computer company, your knowledge of the standard pseudocode will probably be tested. However, you should know that the standard for pseudocode varies from one institution to another or from one teacher to another.
It is important to be clear when using a pseudocode, and it is best to follow certain conventions. You should always keep in mind that eventually you are going to transcode your pseudocode into a programming language, which is why you have to structure it to make it easier for you.
Understand the algorithms. An algorithm is a sequence of actions that are performed in a specific order by the computer. It’s a sequence of steps in solving a problem. The notions of sequence, type declaration, selection and iteration can summarize what an algorithm is.
In C language, it is essential to set up a sequential control structure.
The selection is usually done by the statement “if … then … else …”
Iteration can be done by instructions like “while”, “do” or “for”.
For the type declaration, we can use the “switch” instruction.
Keep in mind the three basic structures that control the flow of an algorithm. If you can apply a sequencing function, a “while” loop, and a selection device such as “if … then … else …”, then you have everything you need to create an algorithm. [1]
The “SEQUENCE” is a linear progression in which each operation is performed one after another in a specific order. Here is an example below.
“READ” the height of the rectangle
“READ” the width of the rectangle
“CALCULATE” the area of the rectangle (height x width)
The loop “WHILE” makes it possible to make repetitions thanks to a simple test (a condition) which is carried out upstream. The beginning and the end of the loop are indicated by the two keywords “WHILE” and “ENDWHILE”. The flow only crosses the loop if the starting condition is true. Here is an example below.
WHILE Population <Limit
Calculate Population as Population + Births – Deaths
“IF-THEN-ELSE” creates different flow of actions. The binary choice is indicated by the following 4 keywords: “IF”, “THEN”, “ELSE” and “ENDIF”. Below is an example of using “IF-THEN-ELSE”.
IF HoursWorked> MaximumNormal THEN
Show message “timeout”
Show message “normal working time”