C# Question Mark Operator
C# has a shortened version of an if else command. The use of it is very easy, if you understand it once
The condition must evaluate to true or false. If condition is true, first_expression is evaluated and becomes the result. If condition is false, second_expression is evaluated and becomes the result. Only one of the two expressions is evaluated.
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condition ? first_expression : second_expression; |
For more examples : C# Question Mark Operator & Examples
Example 1: The greatest number amoung two numbers
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Random rnd = new Random(); var rand1 = rnd.Next(); var rand2 = rnd.Next(); var greater = rand1 > rand2 ? rand1 : rand2; Console.WriteLine(" Number 1:{0} \n Number 2:{1} \n The greatest number amoung two numbers {2}",rand1,rand2,greater); Console.ReadLine(); |
Example 2:(Alternative solution)
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Random rnd = new Random(); var randomNumber = rnd.Next(); var result = randomNumber % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd"; Console.WriteLine("{0} is an {1} number. ", randomNumber, result); Console.ReadLine(); |