C# Linq

LINQ OrderBy Operator in C# with Examples

The OrderBy operator is a LINQ query operator that sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order according to a key. The key is specified by a function that takes an element of the sequence as input and returns a value that is used to determine the sort order.

Here are some examples of how you might use the OrderBy operator in C#:

Example 1: Sorting a list of integers in ascending order:

Example 2: Sorting a list of strings in alphabetical order:

Example 3: Sorting a list of objects by a specific property:

Example 4: Sorting a list of objects by multiple properties:

Example 5: Sorting a list of complex objects by a specific property, and then flattening the result:

In these examples, the OrderBy operator is used to sort the elements of a sequence in ascending order according to a key. The key is specified by a function that takes an element of the sequence as input and returns a value that is used to determine the sort order.

In the first example, the OrderBy operator is used to sort a list of integers in ascending order. In the second example, the OrderBy operator is used to sort a list of strings in alphabetical order. In the third example, the OrderBy operator is used to sort a list of Person objects by the LastName property. In the fourth example, the OrderBy operator is used in conjunction with the ThenBy operator to sort a list of Employee objects first by the Department property and then by the Salary property. In the fifth example, the SelectMany operator is used to flatten a nested list of employees within departments, OrderBy operator is used to sort the list by the Name property, and the Select operator is used to create a new sequence of employee names.

It’s worth noting that OrderBy operator returns an IOrderedEnumerable<T> object which is a sequence that is sorted by the key and it can use the ThenBy operator to specify additional sorting criteria.

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