The manipulation of text files can be very useful in the realization of .NET applications whether...
Archive - October 2019
5 Extension Methods You Need to Know in C#
I propose you to discover the methods of extensions that I use most often and which will certainly...
Using Delegates in C#
This article discusses an important topic about delegated types in C # (csharp). It will...
Get Laptop Battery Status using C# Console
Sometimes programs need to know the power status of a computer. In this application you can learn...
Remove all Duplicate Items From Listbox in C#
In this example,I’ll show you How to remove duplicates from listbox in C# Windows Form...
How to Convert Rows to Columns in SQL Server
I have a simple problem querying the SQL Server 2005 database. I have tables called Customer and...
Insert Query in a SQL Server Stored Procedure Example
How to Insert Data Using Stored Procedure in SQL Server How to insert rows with an INSERT query...
SQL Server UNPIVOT Query to Transpose Columns of a Table into Lines
With SQL Server it is possible to Rotate columns in lines, to do this, it makes use the key word...
SQL Set Variable Within Insert Into Query
SQL Declare Variable with Insert Statement In this example you will learn How to make an INSERT...
C# Create Countdown with Timer
I’ll show you how to make a countdown with C# and using the timer control. To do this, we...