In this tutorial we are going to make a Temperature converter which can convertĀ Celsius to...
Archive - April 2018
C# If Else Shorthand with Examples
C# Question Mark Operator C# has a shortened version of an if else command. The use of it is very...
Compare Datetime C# Greater Than
Example 1: The first instance is a simple example. Datetime.Compare method compares two dates that...
Compare Dates Without Time in Linq Query
In this code, You will compare two date without to disregard the time part. Compare and get date...
Compare Two Dates in Linq Query
Create a sample class. Add some objects to a List then compare them with Linq query (compare two...
C# Get All Filenames in Directory
C# Get All FilenamesĀ and Directory Names in Directory. C# using System; using System.IO; class...
Call Oracle stored procedure which returns ref cursor in C#
In this post you will see how to use the .NET Managed Provider for Oracle to pass an input...
Boxing Unboxing Example in C#
Boxing is the process of converting a value type to the type object or to any interface type...
C# Program to find the LONGEST word in an entered String
Program to find the LONGEST word in an entered String. You may also like this post too...
C# Decimal Number of Digits After and Before Point
C# length of digit after and before point C# class Program { static void Main(string[] args)...